Sustainable diet, what does it mean?

A sustainable diet refers to a healthy diet for man and the planet, in fact one of the main causes of global warming is precisely given by human nutrition. Just think of the problem of intensive farming and farming, practically a plague caused by the consumerism we are used to, but having a sustainable diet does not imply epic efforts or great upheavals with respect to one's habits.
Here is a small handbook:
- FRUIT and VEGETABLES: 50% of meals should be composed of fruit and vegetables, where we find vitamins, mineral salts, fibers, sugars and other fundamental micronutrients. They already have a relatively minor impact compared to other foods, especially if you choose fresh, seasonal and local products;
- PROTEINS: they occupy a good 25/30% of the daily macronutrient requirement but we should reduce the consumption of meat, a couple of times a week is more than enough. In addition to an ethical reason for environmental damage, intensive farming has a monstrous impact and is also among the main causes of deforestation around the world. Sometimes trying to replace meat with fish we will get a more balanced diet rich in precious nutrients such as phosphorus and omega3, by purchasing fish caught in an eco-sustainable way we can help the planet to recover from years of intensive and uncontrolled fishing. Slightly less burdensome for the environment but perhaps more traumatic from an ethical point of view, we can choose dairy products, which are also a source of fats and proteins.
As a real "green" alternative honor and glory to legumes and dried fruit, they have a much less impact on the ecosystem, they are trees and plants, so if we started planting more and consciously we would have many more plants to absorb pollutants and greenhouse gases . Furthermore, they are a source of many micronutrients which are essential for our body.
- CARBOHYDRATES / CEREALS: the remaining part of our dish will consist of carbohydrates of various origins, essential for energy supply. This includes all starchy foods, rice, barley, spelled and in some way, thanks to the addition of starch, potatoes can also be included. We recommend the consumption of whole grains in order not to take overly processed products and not to waste the fibers discarded during the refining phase, which are useful for the proper functioning of the digestive system and if a product undergoes fewer treatments it automatically reduces its impact on the planet.
- SUGARS: in reality we would not need sugars external to those taken from fruit, vegetables and cereals so ... It's just gluttony. Unfortunately, our snacks are wrapped in an incredible quantity of plastic, the companies that grow sugar, cocoa, coffee and aromas widely used in the confectionery industry have no regard for the forests or local populations, which are exploited for the production of these goods.
To conclude, this is only the first article on sustainable nutrition, here we would like to give a general overview of what is needed for a healthy diet, without excessively varying our habits, our expenses or our lifestyle but that can give actually a contribution to environmental protection.