Are Electric Cars Really Sustainable?
Electric cars are seen as a sustainable alternative to gas-powered vehicles, but their true sustainability is not clear-cut. Electric cars have lower emissions and are more energy-efficient than gas-powered vehicles, but the production and disposal of batteries can have environmental impacts such as deforestation, soil and water contamination, and greenhouse gas emissions.

Can plastic be sustainable?
Many people have called for the end of plastic use altogether, arguing that it is fundamentally unsustainable. However, is it possible that plastic can be sustainable? Let's take a closer look.

Slow Fashion: A Sustainable and Ethical Choice for People and Planet
Fashion is an industry that has a huge impact on the environment and the people who work in it. T...

Fast Fashion and Its Environmental Impact: Why We Need to Change Our Habits
Fast fashion is a term used to describe the rapid production of clothing that is designed to be quickly and cheaply made and sold. While this may seem like a great idea for consumers who want to keep up with the latest fashion trends, it has a major impact on the environment and the people who produce the clothing.

Recycled Polyester
Recycled polyester is also known as RPET, with the “R” standing for recycled and the ”PET” for po...

Greenhouse Effect (Part 1)
The greenhouse effect is a phenomenon that occurs between a planet with an atmosphere (in our case the Earth) and between a star in its vicinity (in our case the Sun).

Greenhouse Effect (Part 3)
In the previous paragraphs we understood what the greenhouse effect is and what its main consequences are, but why has it become such an important problem?

Greenhouse Effect (Part 2)
High concentrations of greenhouse gases lead to a rise in the earth's temperature, so said it doesn't seem too bad a thing. So what's the problem?

Ozone (O3)
What is Ozone? Ozone is a molecule composed of three oxygen atoms, it comes in a highly unstable gaseous form.

How wildfires affect our lives and the air we breathe.
What is a wildfire? A wildfire is a rush of fire and flames that develops in an area of combustible vegetation, such as forests, woods and even deserts.

What pollution is, what type it can be, and what are its effects.
The first thing to keep in mind is that pollution is not just smog or the exhaust fumes of a company, pollution is the alteration of the natural environment

Light Pollution
Light pollution is a serious problem of the contemporary era, due to all those sources of artificial light that are kept on at night on the entire planet

CO e CO2 differences and impact on our lives.
CO and CO<sub>2 </sub> are two of the main air pollutants, although they are two very similar molecules, they differ greatly in their environmental impact and on people's health.

Main Air Pollutants
In this article we give a general overview of the main air pollutants, where they come from and what the main environmental and health risks are.

Air Pollution
Air pollution is due to the presence of chemicals, present in the air, in quantities that are harmful to human health, animals, plants and the planet as a whole.